Victor_adams0 From Rockford - Dating Site for Singles
Victor_adams0 is a man currently single and looking for a date partner. He is 41 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet victor_adams0 or find other singles from Rockford, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Victor_adams0 Wants To Meet You: Man Seeking Woman
Below you can see victor_adams0's personal ad from Rockford. He is looking for singles from Rockford and the surrounding area in the category man seeking woman. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
Who I am
I\'m a 22 years old boy full of fun most times but like everyone else i have my bad days, i am not looking for anyone special. everyone is special in their own little ways, i beleive you can never have too many friends and once there is that friendship bond im a friend for life, i have a good shoulder to cry on, and dont like to see people down or hurting, life is too short, we just have to get on with it, the next life might not be as bad or as good as this depending on what kind of life you have had to endure this time around, i like fun outgoing people, a gsoh is essential, and i am a good listener, life is about living and learning, and about living it the best way and nicest way you can, i dont like nasty intollerant people, just fun loving easy going chatty people, if you want to chat, have fun, then come and find me, if you only want trouble, arguements, or someone to pick on then pass me by, because you will find you have met your match, cos although i like peace and quiet and care free chats i can also be as bad as the next person, but all in all, i like the peace and like the idea of getting on pleasantly with everyone i chat to. i like to chat to people from all walks of life and all places across the globe, friends worldwide are nice to have ... to learn the different cultures and different ways of life, i hate the bad people in this world, there are enough of them out there doing bad things, i dont like the evil, so if you want to chat about important issues or silly issues or any issue whatsoever, come say hi, (only genuine people need apply) dam, i think i been talking lots of dribble, i have bored myself silly now. but genuine nice people im serious about, do i get a prize if the profile is accepted lol, hope so. maybe gift vouchers for marks and spencers or a life times supply of hair removal cream? lol ... anyway, come chat with me, lets have some fun, i have a wicked sense of humour at times and maybe some will find that too much in their faces, but all i say is in jest, nothing meant and never no harm meant, if you can take my sarcastic sense of humour too, then your someone im looking for in a friend, so come on all you witty funny care free people. make my day ... im waiting ... maybe a life time supply of condoms plse ... my requested prize for profile acceptance ... second choice something big, ... (please note, i am not talking about body parts) ei ... a car or a mansion somewhere ... or maybe prize money in the region of a million pound(i promise i will give it to charity), my fav charity is the miz_tickle im in need charity, so il donate it to that ... it is a well deserving charity, all donations greatfully accepted.
My Interests
What Sets Me Apart
victor_adams0 is a member of our free dating service and he is looking for
a female partner. He comes from Rockford and is currently
looking for a partner. Here you can find more
Singles from Rockford, Illinois, United States for dating. If you want to send victor_adams0 a free message, to flirt with him or to meet him in the chat, just sign up here.
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