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SweetMicke Looking for a Partner: Woman Seeking Men From Khmelnytskyi

SweetMicke is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 41 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet SweetMicke or find other singles from Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
SweetMicke female
41 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'5" / 166 cm
121 lbs / 55 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

SweetMicke Wants To Meet You ❤ Woman Seeking Man

Below you can see SweetMicke's personal ad from Khmelnytskyi. She is looking for singles from Khmelnytskyi and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
My self-description
I am a beautiful girl from Ukraine who is looking for her chosen one.
At the moment I am single, not in a relationship.

I spent most of my time on my work and career, so I still couldn’t create a strong family, but as time goes on and every day my desire to create a family and comfort in my home grows, I decided to try the Internet in order to to solve this issue.

I would be happy if my expectations were met.

It’s not entirely clear why you need to write such a large description on this site to post your profile, if so I will now tell you all my cards, it’s not so interesting)

I have my own small business, it is not quite feminine, but it allows me to earn good money. I will tell you in more detail when I meet you.

I like to spend free time watching an interesting movie. I often walk around the park, because I really like nature.
I'm looking for
I’m looking for a confident man to rely on.
For me, the appearance of a person is not so important as his inner world (communication and attitude towards me).

Your financial situation is not important, since I myself am not quite bad at coping with the task of ensuring a non-poor life for myself and my future children.
That's important to me
As a single one probably have different views on what is important to yourself. In a serious relationship, characteristics like loyalty, openness and humor are essential for me.
I think that's sexy
Sex and eroticism are important to me in a serious relationship, but I'd better tell you all that later in person.
I want to get to know people from Khmelnytskyi for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures

My Passions ✚ Free Time Activities

Pop / rock, hip hop, alternative
Interests & Hobbies
Watch movies in the cinema, do nothing, listen music, bake cakes
Favorite books
Singles who enjoy reading books seem educated. Please write a message or ask me in the chat whether I really have time to read in my spare time and which books I like.
Favorite movies
Watching a good movie with my partner is super nice. Oh, what a nice feeling :) If you ask me in the chat, I'll tell you which movies I like.
Favorite TV shows
Do I like to spend my evenings alone in front of the TV? Just ask me!
Where to find me in Khmelnytskyi
Where you can get to know me, I will not make public on a online dating site, sorry.

That's What Sets Me Apart

To have a job and making money is essential for survival, but I don't entrust this information a dating site.
Is it important to specify one's own origin for online dating?
SweetMicke is already a member of our free online dating site and she is looking for a male partner - Woman Seeking Man. She comes from Khmelnytskyi and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Khmelnytskyi, Khmel’nyts’ka Oblast’, Ukraine for dating. If you want to send SweetMicke a free message now to meet her in the chat, all you have to do is sign up here.