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Search_4_mylove From Tallahassee is Single & From Your Area

Search_4_mylove is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 35 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet search_4_mylove or find other singles from Tallahassee, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
search_4_mylove female
35 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
I don't want to say
Hair color
I don't want to say
I don't want to say
I don't want to say
Body type
I don't want to say
Zodiac sign

Personal Ad of Search_4_mylove ♥ Find Long Term Relationships Online

Below you can see search_4_mylove's personal ad from Tallahassee. She is looking for singles from Tallahassee and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
About me
What I'm looking for
What is important to me
There are a few things that are important to me in a relationship. It's best to ask me or message me and I'll answer you.
Erotic is for me
Does that matter if you want to get to know someone on the internet? I'm only telling you personally❗️ Anyway, I'm looking for true love 💞 and you?
People wanted for
Meet friends & find new friendships
in my city Tallahassee, Florida, United States

My Passions

A similar taste in music can enrich a relationship. Just ask me about my favorite music. What kind of music do you like?
Interests & Hobbies
Just ask me on a casual date. I have been too lazy so far and have therefore not yet given any information about my interests and hobbies in my profile.
Badminton, basketball
Favorite books
Everybody should read every day. Do I actually have time to read a lot as a single? Just drop me a line and ask me about my reading habits.
Favorite movies
Who doesn't like to go to the cinema to watch schmaltzy love movies to cry 😊 Do you want to know what kind of movies touch me emotionally besides love movies 😉 get in touch to find out! Which movies do you like the most?
Favorite TV shows
Do I like to spend my evenings alone in front of the TV? Certainly not like being alone, but just ask me and I might tell you my favorite TV shows!
Where to find me in Tallahassee
Feel free to ask about my favorite places. If you ask very kindly, I'll tell you 😊

That's What Sets Me Apart

I will only tell you face-to-face what level of education I have. Ask me and I will tell you.
To have a job and earning money is essential but I don't entrust this information a online dating site. Just ask me what I work and I'll tell you.
Speaking many languages helps to communicate but I don't want to reveal too much about myself while dating online.
Is it important to specify one's own ethnicity for online dating?
search_4_mylove is a member of our free online dating service and she is looking for a male partner - Woman Seeking Man. She comes from Tallahassee and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Tallahassee, Florida, United States for dating. If you want to send search_4_mylove a free message now to chat with her, all you have to do is sign up here.