freshSingle - Free Online Dating

Sanna From Montego Bay • Free Dating

Sanna is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 48 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet Sanna or find other singles from Montego Bay, Jamaica on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
Sanna female
48 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
I don't want to say
Hair color
I don't want to say
I don't want to say
I don't want to say
Body type
I don't want to say
Zodiac sign

Personal Dating Ad of Sanna - Woman Seeking Man

Below you can see Sanna's personal ad from Montego Bay. She is looking for singles from Montego Bay and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
That's me
I registered on this dating site for free, perhaps I'll find my perfect match here? I want to look around a bit.
I am lonely and I don't want to be single anymore, I want to find great love!
I'm Sanna from Montego Bay (45 years old) and I'm looking for a man near me.
Who I am looking for
I don't have any special ideas about how he should be like. Dealing with each other and sympathy are much more important to me than looks.

If you smile on our first date, that would be nice 😉 I'm looking forward to finally meet someone who will reciprocate my feelings. Life as a couple is much more fun than alone, isn't it?
What's important for me
Singles should know what is important to them when looking for a partner and especially in a relationship, but I don't want to answer on that here.
I find that erotic
Sexual preferences and love fantasies are too private for me! I don't want to say anything about that in public.
I want to get to know people from Montego Bay for
Dating & relationship
I just want to look around

Sanna's Special Passions and Leisure Activities

Interests & Hobbies
Eat out, baking
Favorite books
Singles who enjoy reading lots of books are educated. Please write a message or ask me in the chat whether I really have time to read in my spare time.
Favorite movies
Who doesn't like to go to the cinema to watch a good movie? Do you want to know which movies inspire me besides love movies 😊 ask me!
Favorite TV shows
This is a good topic of conversation for a first casual meeting, isn't it? What would you say if I tell you this when we meet?
Where can you find me in Montego Bay
I currently live in Montego Bay. I won't tell you where you can get to know me in person yet.

What Sets Me Apart

Child care / education
English, Spanish
Hispanic / Latino
Sanna is already a member of our free online dating site and she is looking for a male partner - Woman Seeking Man. She comes from Montego Bay and is currently single. On you can find more Singles from Montego Bay, Saint James, Jamaica for dating. If you want to send Sanna a free message to flirt with her, all you have to do is sign up here.