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Send message to Jenybae From Laval for Free - Online Dating for Singles

Jenybae is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 37 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet Jenybae or find other singles from Laval, Canada on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
Jenybae female
37 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'0" / 154 cm
128 lbs / 58 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Dating ♥ Woman Seeking Man

Below you can see Jenybae's personal ad from Laval. She is looking for singles from Laval and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
Who I am
Its my first time that I try such way of meeting men. I know that its not easy but I very hope to meet here a serious man with who I can create a family and be happy ... I am
active, sociable, clever, playful and fun to
be around. I am loving, affectionate and
tender. For me, family comes first. I dream
to meet my love and create a happy family
with a man who will be serious and have much
attention and care for me and build a trusted
relationship and see what the future have for

I grew up to understand the principles of
life and the truth that follows it and i have
made a vow to my self and God that i will
forever remain honest and truthful to the
things i say and do ... cause truth and honesty
is the only key to a successful relationship.
Who I am looking for
I just want to meet a nice man ... my heart is seeking for a true lover that will bring joy and happiness back in my life, I am looking for a long term relationship, who understands the need to love and be loved(Remember the distance or colour does not matter but love matters a lot in life.
What is important to me
As a single one probably have different views than in a relationship. In a serious relationship, however, characteristics such as respect, attention and being in love are essential for me.
I find that erotic
For whom is sex and eroticism not important in a relationship? Just ask me, I don't want to say too much about myself here.
I'm looking for people for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures
Meet friends & find new friendships
I just want to look around
from the Laval area

My Interests

R&b / soul
Interests & Hobbies
Discover distant countries while traveling, cooking
Swimming, cycling, jogging
Favorite books
Singles who like to read books are wise. You have to ask me if I have time to read in my spare time. I'll be happy to tell you about my favorite books.
Favorite movies
Watching movies together is much nicer than alone, isn't it? Oh ... how romantic :) If you want to know which movies I like besides love films 😉 just chat with me to find out! Which movies do you love?
Favorite TV shows
Exciting topic of conversation for a date ! but also like to tell you in the chat.
Where to find me in Laval
I will only tell you one-on-one where to meet me, but I currently live in Laval, Quebec.

That's What Sets Me Apart

Farming / agriculture / forestry
White / Caucasian
Jenybae is already a member of our free online dating service and she is looking for a male partner - Woman Seeking Man. She comes from Laval and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Laval, Quebec, Canada to date with. If you want to send Jenybae a free flirt message now, just register here.