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Dating Profile of honestlady10 From Worcester, United States

Honestlady10 is a woman currently single and looking for a date partner. She is 36 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet honestlady10 or find other singles from Worcester, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
honestlady10 female
36 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'1" / 155 cm
101 lbs / 46 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Personal Ad of Honestlady10: Woman Seeking Man

Below you can see honestlady10's personal ad from Worcester. She is looking for singles from Worcester and the surrounding area in the category woman seeking man. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
That's me
Well it's not so easy for me, to count all my good qualities. The easiest way, to discover your partner is to look into the eyes, cause eyes are never lie. So look into my eyes an you will see. But always remember What you see is what you get. The only one thing I can say for sure, I was burnt like each of us before, but I never feel angry and in my hear I have a big place for a wonder. For a dream to find my Best man in the whole world. I'm confident and kind woman, very cheerful and happy in my way. For more you can ask me, and you will always hear the truth which comes from my soul and I hope that this whisper will touch and warm your soul too. I AM LOOKING FOR MY SOUL MATE
I'm looking for
Every single day I start with a pray, for sending me a good man for life. Whom I can trust, for whom I will support and the only one woman in his life. I need my man to be honest and reliable, cause honesty this is something I'm very appriciate in people. I don't want to be lonely and I want my man in my life. You are here I'm sure. So I'm waiting for You
That's important to me
What is important to me as a single in a relationship, I don't want to answer this in one sentence on a dating site.
For me, erotic means
I think this doesn't belong on a online dating site for serious relationships!
I'm looking for men from Worcester for
Dating & relationship
Meet friends & find new friendships

My Interests

Hip hop, rap, r&b / soul
Interests & Hobbies
Books, going to cinema, make music, sports, maintain friendships, feast in the restaurant, listen music, traveling, arts and culture, time at the computer, baking
Football, soccer, tennis
Favorite books
You should read a good book every day.
Whether I really have time to read a lot as a single? Just drop me a line and ask me about my reading habits.
Favorite movies
Watching romantic movies together with my partner is just a lot nicer than alone.. a awesome feeling not to be alone! I'll tell you on a first meeting which romantic movies you can watch with me together.
Favorite TV shows
TV is really a nice way to pass the time, but I didn't feel like listing all of my favorite tv series here.
Where can you find me in Worcester
Where you can address me, I will not post on a online dating site, sorry.

Education & Origin

High school
White / Caucasian
honestlady10 is already a member of our free dating site and she is looking for a male partner. She comes from Worcester and is currently single. On you can find more Singles from Worcester, Massachusetts, United States to date with. If you want to send honestlady10 a free message now to meet her in the chat, just register here.