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Handsomemike From Bakersfield is Single & From Your Area

Handsomemike is a man currently single and looking for a date partner. He is 73 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet handsomemike or find other singles from Bakersfield, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
handsomemike male
73 years
Relationship status
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
6'0" / 184 cm
185 lbs / 84 kg
Body type
few pounds to much
Zodiac sign

Handsomemike Is Looking for a New Partner ❤ Find True Love Online

Below you can see handsomemike's personal ad from Bakersfield. He is looking for singles from Bakersfield and the surrounding area in the category man seeking woman. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
My self-description
I am looking for honest and caring woman who will be an equal partner with me, and not someone I have to coddle, enable or drag through life. (I don't think most women want that in men, either.) A confident woman who says what he means, and mean what he says. A woman who respects my independence but has open arms for me when I need his support. I am looking for someone who is kind, generous, loving and have consideration for other people to share my feelings and thoughts. I live by this motto "Life is what each of us make of it. I CHOOSE to be Happy and Peaceful. " I firmly believe this statement.
Who I am looking for
I'm interested in a serious relationship and possible marriage. I do love to snuggle! I'm interested in a woman who wants to share a life and is interested in learning and trying new things. I do believe that my next love will be the next great love in my life! I want to wonder how I ever got through a day without you in my life. I want to wake up and smile, knowing there's you. I want to look out my window, gazing into the woods, listening to the birds, and smile again, just knowing you're in my life.
What's important for me
As a single one probably have different views on what is important to yourself. In a long-term relationship, however, character traits like romance, attention and charm are essential for me.
That turns me on
Sex and eroticism are important to me in a relationship, but I don't want to say too much about myself here.
Singles wanted for
Dating & relationship
from the Bakersfield area

My Interests

Pop / rock, hip hop, jazz, house
Interests & Hobbies
Reading books, make music, do sports, feast on, listen songs, go on vacation, baking
Football, soccer, bowling, swimming, skiing, tennis, jogging, billiards, football
Favorite books
Everybody should read books every day. A romance novel, a crime thriller or any other story doesn't matter, the main thing is that you read something at all.
Do I seriously have time to read a lot as a single? Just write me a message and ask me about my reading habits.
Favorite movies
Watching good movies together is super nice. Oh, what a nice thought!
Favorite TV shows
This is a great topic of conversation for a first casual date, isn't it? What do you think if I tell you this when we meet first time?
Favorite places to meet me in Bakersfield
I don't say publicly on a dating site, where you can get to know me. Just ask me.

Education & Origin

Master's degree
Home improvement / building / repairs
White / Caucasian
handsomemike is a member of our free online dating service and he is looking for a female partner - Man Seeking Woman. He comes from Bakersfield and is currently single. Here you can find more Singles from Bakersfield, California, United States to date with. If you want to send handsomemike a free message, to flirt with him or to meet him in the chat, just register here.