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Find Singles in My Area Like Drew12 From Las Vegas

Drew12 is a man currently single and looking for a date partner. He is 46 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet Drew12 or find other singles from Las Vegas, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
Drew12 male
46 years
Relationship status
I don't want to say
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
5'6" / 168 cm
179 lbs / 81 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Personal Dating Ad of Drew12 ★ Find True Love

Below you can see Drew12's personal ad from Las Vegas. He is looking for singles from Las Vegas and the surrounding area in the category man seeking woman. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
About me
Divorced 6 years looking to meet someone. Love music, sports, being adventurous, spontaneous. Love to travel and try new things. I'm confident and intelligent. Yeah I probably spoil you. Been in Vegas 6 years now. Ready to be on the dating scene and find someone that I can connect with. I'm down to try new things and see what happens. I love ancient history, the cosmos, movies, horror and mind bending. I take care of my girl can be romantic but also fun. If I ask to go sky diving and you say let's go now your my type.
What I'm looking for
Someone looking to go out and see if we connect and have a good time. See where it goes from there. Maybe just casual or something serious. Have a sense of humor and be spontaneous. Smart and sexy, not afraid to dress sexy. Flirty and loves to have fun on dates.
What's important for me
Being faithful to the relationship, having fun and no secrets
I think that's really erotic
No question about it, in love it is important to know about the erotic preferences of the man, but as a single I don't want to reveal my sexual preferences to a online dating site - the topic of sex and eroticism should remain private.
I want to get to know singles from Las Vegas for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures

Drew12's Special Interests

Pop / rock, hip hop, rap, jazz, heavy metal, techno, house, alternative
Going to cinema, being activ in sports, feast in the restaurant, relax & unwind, listen music, discover foreign countries while traveling, surf the internet
Football, soccer, skiing, snowboarding, billiards
Favorite books
Singles who like to read lots of books seems to be smart and clever. You have to ask me if I take time to read in the evening. I'll be happy to tell you about my favorite books.
Favorite movies
Inception, Horror movies, Found Footage movies
Favorite TV shows
Brooklyn Nine Nine, Ancient Astronauts
Where you can meet me in Las Vegas
I will not make it public on a free dating site, which locations you can get to know me. I'm only telling you personally.

Education & Origin

Every community needs highly educated singles, so convince yourself of my intelligence and chat with me to test my knowledge.
Retail / sales / marketing
White / Caucasian
Drew12 is a member of our free online dating site and he is looking for a female partner. He comes from Las Vegas and is currently looking for a partner. Here you can find more Singles from Las Vegas, Nevada, United States for a date. If you want to send Drew12 a free chat message right now, all you have to do is sign up here.