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Bobsy4real From Bakersfield: Meet Singles / Online Dating

Bobsy4real is a man currently single and looking for a date partner. He is 59 years old and a user of our free dating site. Meet bobsy4real or find other singles from Bakersfield, United States on freshSingle - your 100% free online dating service.
Hi, I am
bobsy4real male
59 years
Relationship status
I don't want to say
I'm looking for
Eye color
Hair color
6'0" / 183 cm
161 lbs / 73 kg
Body type
Zodiac sign

Meet Men Like Bobsy4real Now ★ Man Seeking Woman

Below you can see bobsy4real's personal ad from Bakersfield. He is looking for singles from Bakersfield and the surrounding area in the category man seeking woman. Find your perfect match today! We help you to find true love online for free.
About myself
Good looking male with a great personality, outgoing, witty, fun, a great conversationalist, uninhibited, unafraid, adventurous, spontaneous, kind, caring, respectful, bold, daring, a gentleman & a gentle man, sincere, trustworthy, truthful & honest, intelligent/educated, classy, worldly/cultured, sexy, has zest for life, affectionate, passionate, compassionate, sensual-romantic, great kisser & lover, enjoys movies, theatre, comedy clubs, concerts, art galleries, wine tasting, short or long car trips, bed & breakfasts scenic locations, restaurants & more ...
Just looking to meet a special attactive/beautiful wonderful woman with similar interests who wants to share her a meaningful life, unconditional love & hopefully grow old together with no strings attached ... And will figure everything out along the way ...
I'm looking for
Looking to meet an attactive, beautful woman with a great personality, educated, intelligent, sexy, sassy, a great conversationalist, romantic, sensual, uninhiibited, affectionate, passionate, compassionate, sincere, outgoing, witty, fun, respectful, adventurous, spontaneous, unaffraid to let her hair down, independent, concerned, caring, kind, sensitive, enjoys surprises, nights out on the town or quite evenings together, sharing & spending time together, willing to get to know me, likes movies, theater, comedy clubs, restaurants, travel, museums/art galleries, dancing clubs, music, holding hands, public or private affection, a great kisser & lover, a soothing voice, great hair, soft skin, consumed & engross with me, likes to hug, cuddle, seductive, great dresser or loves tee shirts & jeans, weekend get aways, someone who feels save & secure in my arms & when with me, someone who misses me when I'm not there, trustworthy, truthful, honest, a one woman man, someome who is attracted to me, someone who want to know the physical, the emotional, the mental & the inner me & I the same from them ... most important, someone who can't live without me & can't wait to hear, see or be with me again ... Someone who is the last face I see when I go to sleep at night & the first face I see when I wake up in the morning, as we grow old together ...
What is important to me
A lot of things are important to me in a relationship. The best thing to do is ask me or message me and I'll answer you.
That turns me on
Does this matter if you want to meet someone online? I'm only telling you personally.
Women from Bakersfield wanted for
Dating & relationship
Flirt & adventures
Meet friends & find new friendships
I just want to look around

My Interests ✚ Favorite Hobbies

Hip hop, country, r&b / soul
Long team relationship
Football, jogging
Favorite books
Singles who enjoy reading books seems to be clever. Just ask me if I have time to read in my spare time. I am happy to tell you about my favorite books.
Favorite movies
Watching a good movie together with my partner is wonderful.. a great tought not to be alone 😊 I'll tell you on a casual first meeting which love movies I like or just send me a message and ask me.
Favorite TV shows
Do I like to spend my evening in front of the TV? Certainly not like being alone!
Favorite places in Bakersfield
I'll just tell you personally where you can address me, but I currently live in Bakersfield.

What Sets Me Apart

Bachelor's degree
German, English, Spanish
Native American
bobsy4real is already a member of our free dating service and he is looking for a female partner - Man Seeking Woman. He comes from Bakersfield and is currently looking for a partner. Here you can find more Singles from Bakersfield, California, United States for a date. If you want to send bobsy4real a free message, to flirt with him or to meet him in the chat, all you have to do is sign up here.